I teach before and after care at school. I take care of three and four year olds. They drive me crazy sometimes, but I love my job. I work early and late in the day because of my job, and my sons want to come with me. I try to keep them at home more but I wonder if they like it cause I’m there.
What's your favorite and least favorite part of being a mom?
I love being a mother. It's the best thing in the world. I don't think there's anything I don't like about being a mom. I’ve been working with kids for 20 years. Even when I was a kid, I loved kids. I do have some parents at school that I wonder if they weren’t meant for kids. The kids come at 6:30, leave 6:30. Its too long. I have three year olds who are there all day long. They go home, eat, go to sleep. That’s why I don’t like my kids to be at school, but they say they'd rather be with me.
Tell me about your mom.
She was a computer operator, and did data processing for the Navy. We lived everywhere. She knows nothing about computers now. My young kids know more than her or me. We have a good relationship. I used to call her everyday, but now I call her every to or three days. She’s a teacher too. If I need something, I can call her. She used to live in my apartment building, but she moved. She's retired, so she doesn't need to work but she works at a daycare center now.
How was it being a child in a military family?
I loved it. Meeting new people, getting to go places. I like moving. I have friends on Facebook who I’ve known from 5th, 6th grade. Friends from Hawaii. I like road trips. In the summer I could work but I don’t. I take my kids everywhere. They go to the pool every day. I’m going to take them to Florida when they're out of school. We go to Kings Dominion too. My friends ask how I afford it all. I tell them it's because I budget, because it’s a priority – to show the world to the kids.
You have 4 kids?
Yes, and another one coming soon. I have two daughters and two sons. One is a senior, and my youngest now is 8 years old. We were very surprised about this pregnancy, but we're glad he's coming.
What is it like having kids at such different ages?
It's crazy. The two boys are constantly fighting, but they get along. Its funny how my kids, different parts of them are like me, but sometimes they’re nothing like me. My boys are all the same sign as my husband. Both of their due dates were my husband's birthday. We'll see when this one comes along.