Last summer, I helped run a coding camp that was all about HAM. It started as a joke, but the phrase soon became irreversibly engrained into our vocabulary. To “go HAM” is to work incredibly hard, to shut out all distractions and focus intensely on what’s important RIGHT NOW. You can only truly go HAM on something you’re passionate about, and when you do, it’s a powerful thing.
I started this quarter ready to go absolutely HAM. With CS107, a notoriously difficult computer science course, in my schedule I knew I would have to go HAM in order to succeed.
What I learned is that for HAM to result in greatness, it cannot just be an unhealthy, overwhelming workaholic lifestyle. In fact, it must be the opposite. HAM, at its core, is about clarity. To be truly HAM is to know what’s most important to you and to show up, both literally and metaphorically (being fully present).
Fall quarter was pure HAM. Yes, I coded CS107 projects for countless hours on end. That was pretty HAM. But I think by far my most HAM move this quarter was to pair CS107 with a theatrical improv course, jazz piano, and competitive ultimate frisbee (among other things). Although it doesn’t exactly line up with Stanford’s idea of “success” (22 units, no sleep, startup in the works), having a schedule that allowed me to be fully present in all of my endevours brought me so much joy. I had time to learn CS107 material deeply and to grow in the relationships and activities that keep me grounded.
That’s how I want to live my life - fearlessly showing up for the things that matter most to me, whether that’s a class whose material I want to master, a 7am frisbee practice, or a conversation with someone I want to get to know better.