Welcome to our family room/study. We usually call it our study, but we pretty much live in this room. It is on the second floor, and sits above our living room, and is the same size! It has our main computer, our tv, most of our non-kid books, a big work table, and a couch. We have art supplies and cork boards, and it has great windows. Nuelie has decided that he's going to plan out their after school program here... :)
I have a studio in the basement, but this is where all the photo editing gets done! A big family calendar helps with coordinating things!
This is also where we play games. Game night anyone? Ritter's cool military plaque sits above the book shelves.
Our kids will spend hours cutting stuff up... I don't know if thats normal or if they get it from me.
Half the fun is getting to pick out materials!
So much of this room is IKEA... again. I think everything in the room except the blonde bookshelves and white chairs are from IKEA.
This room is the biggest bedroom, so we assume it is supposed to be the master bedroom. This door leads to a big closet. Of course when both Ritter and I saw this room, we knew how we wanted to use it. We have almost never used the master bedroom as our bedroom in our houses.
Ritter told me from the beginning that I would have to let the kids draw on the table. If not, apparently they will have psych disorders when they grow up... I have conceded, although I've been mad a few times...
I once told Nuelie he should be thankful that he has paper and crayons - there are kids with neither. I asked him to imagine if he didn't have any of it - he started tearing up! He couldn't imagine a world where he couldn't express himself that way...
Pretty much heaven....