Our family went to Williamsburg for Spring Break. We had a great time, and here are just a few (just kidding, its a lot) pictures from our trip!
There is a great market in the middle of the town, and the kids loved trying instruments, hats and weapons!
Despite sunscreen and hats she is getting some freckles on her face - just like mommy. So cute, and doesn't she look like Anne of Green Gables?
We got an annual pass because Colonial Williamsburg gives a 50% discount to veterans. You have to show your pass as you enter buildings, so we kept them on, but that means that in all of our pictures we are wearing them... oh well.
Such sparkly eyes...
It was so hot that day - we kept them bribed with lots of snacks...
It was so hot that we welcomed indoor tours, and we even learned interesting historical facts!
Going to the jail - it didn't have to be very big because there was only one punishment for crimes, and the punishment was carried out every three months... yikes.
There were horses everywhere, which meant there was horse poo everywhere. Every time she saw some, Ellie would say, "More horse poo!" Yeah, she said that for three straight days.
Fife and Drum March.
All three of our kids have this expression. So funny to see it on an adult.
We enjoyed a kids' activity room at the art museum on site. We made flip books!
A rare moment when I wasn't holding the camera.
We got to see the armory for five minutes, but we did get to see them shoot the canon - very cool.
We took this picture at the parking lot as we were getting ready to leave - only picture of us two.